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DOM (Plain Vanilla/jQuery) Cheatsheet

Document Object MethodjQuery EquivalentDescription
document.getElementById(id)$('#id')Returns a reference to the element with the specified id attribute.
document.getElementsByClassName(className)$('.className')Returns a collection of all elements with the specified class name.
document.getElementsByTagName(tagName)$('tagName')Returns a collection of all elements with the specified HTML tag name.
document.querySelector(selector)$(selector)Returns the first element that matches the specified CSS selector.
document.querySelectorAll(selector)$(selector)Returns a collection of all elements that match the specified CSS selector.
document.createElement(tagName)$('<tagName>')Creates a new HTML element with the specified tag name.
element.appendChild(childElement)$(element).append(childElement)Appends a child element to the specified parent element.
element.removeChild(childElement)$(element).remove(childElement)Removes a child element from the specified parent element.
element.setAttribute(name, value)$(element).attr(name, value)Sets or changes the value of an HTML attribute for the specified element.
element.getAttribute(name)$(element).attr(name)Gets the value of the specified HTML attribute for the element.
element.innerHTML$(element).html()Gets or sets the HTML content of the element, including any child elements.
element.innerText$(element).text()Gets or sets the text content of the element, excluding any HTML tags.$(element).css('property')Gets or sets the value of a CSS property for the element.
element.addEventListener(event, handler)$(element).on(event, handler)Attaches an event listener to the element for the specified event type.
element.removeEventListener(event, handler)$(element).off(event, handler)Removes an event listener from the element for the specified event type.
document.createTextNode(text)jQuery('<div>').text(text)Creates a new text node with the specified text content.
element.getAttributeNode(name)$(element).attr(name)Gets the attribute node for the specified attribute name.
element.hasAttribute(name)$(element).attr(name) !== undefinedChecks if the element has the specified attribute.
element.removeAttribute(name)$(element).removeAttr(name)Removes the specified attribute from the element.
element.classList.add(className)$(element).addClass(className)Adds the specified class to the element’s class list.
element.classList.remove(className)$(element).removeClass(className)Removes the specified class from the element’s class list.
element.classList.toggle(className)$(element).toggleClass(className)Toggles the presence of the specified class in the element’s class list.
element.classList.contains(className)$(element).hasClass(className)Checks if the element has the specified class in its class list.
element.focus()$(element).focus()Sets focus on the element, making it active for user interaction.
element.blur()$(element).blur()Removes focus from the element.
element.scrollIntoView(options)$(element).get(0).scrollIntoView(options)Scrolls the element into the visible area of the viewport with optional scrolling options.
document.cookieN/A (jQuery doesn’t provide a direct equivalent)Gets or sets the cookies associated with the current document. Use JavaScript for cookie management.
document.documentElement$('html')Represents the root element of the document (typically <html>).
document.head$('head')Represents the <head> element of the document.